Real Time Streaming

Zixi Partners with Phenix

Written by Jed Corenthal | May 3, 2023 3:23:00 PM

We're excited to announce our partnership with Zixi, the Software-Defined Video Platform connecting and conditioning any source to any target destination.  As part of our ongoing commitment of making real-time video delivery accessible to as many organizations as possible, we're thrilled to expand our signal acquisition capabilities and broaden the range of organizations and broadcasters who can take advantage of Phenix's real-time video delivery platform.

"What makes Phenix's technology unique is that it's built on the WebRTC streaming protocol instead of HTTP, which allows for the lowest latency achievable," says Bill Wishon, Chief Product Officer of Phenix. "By partnering with Zixi, we can now receive streams from broadcasters in any format and deliver them to large global audiences in real-time, making it easier than ever for broadcasters to adopt real-time streaming."

With Zixi as a partner, Phenix expands its ingest flexibility increasing the number of streaming protocols it can accept, so any broadcaster or media rights holder can take advantage of its WebRTC infrastructure – making sub half-second latency more accessible to broadcast-scale audiences. Additionally, after these streams are received by Phenix, they can be delivered to millions of concurrent viewers not only in real-time, but also synchronized across all devices with maximum quality, reliability, and security.

"Radically upgrading the streaming experience is not an easy task, especially to do so at a broadcast level." Said Eunice Park, CRO, Zixi "Working with companies like Phenix who share a common identity for innovation is an exciting way for us to both enhance the work we do and be a part of making real-time streaming extremely easy to adopt.."

Through this increased flexibility and compatibility, Phenix is unlocking the potential for broadcasters to upgrade from legacy technology to a new and innovative way to stream video in real-time, in sync and at scale.

"It's no secret consumers are growing tired of poor streaming experiences, which they frequently voice on a range of social platforms," says Roy Reichbach, CEO of Phenix. "By increasing our compatibility with major broadcasters and streaming platforms, the solution to fix concerns around delays and buffering can be easily taken advantage of."

About Phenix

As the leader in delivering interactive video at scale, Phenix powers innovative digital experiences that drive acquisition, engagement and retention for some of the world's biggest brands.

Its patented technology is essential for delivering content in real-time that engages audiences with interactive experiences and generates revenue for sportsbooks, sports and gaming properties as well as broadcasters with real-time video streaming to global audiences at broadcast scale.

Trusted with streaming video for world-class events like The Oscars, Cheltenham Festival and the Super Bowl, Phenix brings proven experience delivering video to hundreds of thousands of viewers for the world's largest events.

Phenix is headquartered in Chicago, IL with offices in California and Europe. For more information, visit the Phenix website or follow them on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About Zixi

Zixi provides cloud based and on-premises Software-Defined Video Platform (SDVP) that enables reliable broadcast-quality video delivery over any IP network, any protocol, any cloud provider and any edge device. The company offers technologies for broadcasters, enterprises, over-the-top video providers, and mobile service providers around the world.  Zixi simplifies building and managing congestion-aware live video routes on any network, with support for 17-protocols across any operating environment, with products that are purpose built to provide market leading performance, universal interoperability and an operational control plane that simplifies management and orchestration at scale. With 15+ years of innovation and expertise, the Zixi Enabled Network has grown to over 1000+ media customers and 400+ OEM and service providers that deliver 20,000+ channels daily, with 110,000 deployed instances in over 120 countries, gathering over 9 billion data points a day while delivering over 100,000 live sporting events a year. This powerful ecosystem of the largest media organizations in the world exchanging live video allows for the creation and acceleration of new content acquisition, business models, and opportunities to reduce cost and generate revenue.